Tuesday, May 3, 2011


What's Star Wars and Magic have in common?

Much of my magic act is a play on words, while another part is about playing with mind control. It can be compared to being a modern day Jedi, I suppose.  Gestures, body language, sleight of hand, clever strategy, influence, observing intense details around ones-self and other techniques are similar to a Jedi in training and I love it!

Tomorrow is May 4th, 2011 and Star Wars fans are likely going to notice the fun play on words "May the 4th be with you" obviously coined from the phrase "May the force be with you." I wish you all a magical and mysterious week.

Here's some of the random "JEDI" tricks I've done over the years. Enjoy!

If you are interested in learning magic for dating or for entertaining everyday people, check out my store!

Thanks for sharing the magic!

E-mail Rich!
Official Website
Local: 805-234-7469
National: 877-RICH-FUN

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